Porn Pics
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gallery WHERE topic_category="BadDragon"
My first bad dragon just arrived! So in love with this colour 😍
Happy BDay Month to myself! 🥰🥴 S/M Opal Scorn
My first firm toy, couldn't resist the ribbons! S/F Austin!
My girlfriend loves using her strap-on on me. Especially with one of my bad dragon dildos ;)
ive been stumbling a bit financially but finally had some extra cash to attend a drop. got my back up choice saichon from PFF! Happy maw monday lol
Someone asked me to send dick pics 😅
What can I say? I like to feel full 😋
Is inventory Sort Broken, not allowing multiple parameter selections for anyone else?
First ever purchase and I Love It!!
Treated myself to this pretty Habu from the drop 😍
Near clear is pretty snazzy
I’m ready for a medium Ika 🥵 my absolute favorite in my collection!
Does anyone have any Ika teenies or keychains similar in color to this 5th Kind? Will buy or trade!
My first sheath ! :)
[US] WTS 7 toys - 2 NiB all never used
Snagged this big boy in today’s drop. Can’t wait to try to fit him in my hole!
Give it a go
What are so(m)e of your (f)avrorite pairings?
What hole are you filling first? 😏🖤
Got this gorgeous s/m Vector out of the drop today 😁
Happy time with my Ika Xl.. need more training 💪
Ordered the wife her first Bad Dragon, can't wait to get this one in and try it out!
I love my small Baron
Check out this gorgeous pour I got as a surprise me. I had no idea the colour was split from top side to bottom side as it was shown side on in the packaging before opening.
All harnessed up and ready [F]or daddy OC😋😋
[WTS] BD, PPS, HPE, TMC & EE [US only]
Robins eggs from Fantasticocks💙
Everything is more fun with cosplay 😊
[WTS][USA] Sticker Sale!!
Starting small then big
WTS: BD Kona, Spitfire, Lenneth, ultimate fantasy packer and PPS Snark. See comments for prices.
It was a blur ordering these
Giving my S/M Elliot some attention
Payment does not match calculated total, leaving me reserving it for two and a half hours, only to have BDCS to tell me they'll have their IT team look into it.
Love making him disappear in the dark ;)
October Custom Order Snep!!!
Nereid from PPS is home! This glow is amazing!
just wanna show my pretty scylla from hodge podge entourage. gonna try getting a large next time.
Just putting this out there in a futile attempt: If there's any chance whatsoever that the lucky person who scored this perfect Aurora M/M Mystic may, in any world, be open to potentially trading for a M/M Orochi, I'm begging, pleeease DM me. It's lit
Think this XXXL Trotter Will Fit? 😇
They just came in! They are huge!!!! 🤭
Habu acquired!
WTS various toys and squishies!
S/m Baron is no joke! holy s***! his head is so filling! the medium is a bigger monster. this small Baron is bigger than a lot of other medium toys we own.
WTS BD and others US Only
DP using cummorenium from FD and aurora crash 💜
Last Purchase of the Year (Probably)
Finally got my XL Rex. Ready for that knot!
Couldn't stop thinking about it so i decided to share the rex i got during the last drop.
BadDragon toys are getting big
I have some others but these two get special attention tonight
My first one i’m so exited
[WTS] Pretzal, Tako, and Votan Bad Dragon Still Need New Homes! Am Open To Offers! Bump!
I was supposed to start my no-buy after Friday’s customs through the rest of the year. Whoops!
Bit of progress
Family photo
WTS Teenies - 3 for $10! Also open to trade!
Just a little more and my pussy is knotted! 🥵
Thanks to this lovely sub, I got a toy I've been lookin for!
*Laughs in dildo addiction*
Crackers family for Flex Friday!
[WTS/WTT] Lots of UV and colorful toys, updated!
Multiple BD for sale
[US] WTS S/S Ceela and S/S Croxic (UV)
Can you help me find this toy ?
Whoops 😅 I wish I snagged the soft one with SC instead of CT
Neotori drop highlight
1st one Vector Sketch, followed by whole BD collection, anyone want to see it complete?
31/m new to anal experimentation so I decided to pick up a lil squirt. Also have a hazel masturbator but really want a ledo!
WTB/WTT - Miscellaneous
my Velvet Alley Revvvrerend is here!!!!
My growing dragon collection 🐉
Roland (M) first badragon toy, any recommendations for the next one? I like texture and knots lmk your favorite BD toy.
My favorite dragon, great suction cup :D
My new full spectrum Mystic arrived. It's SO PRETTY 😍🤩😍.
I have too many toys lol
WTS Multi Lot
WTS - Bad Dragon and Indie Toys
My first time doing DP with dragons and omg, why didn’t I try this sooner?! 🥵
My black and pinks are so pretty together!
Could get my own Bad Dragon so I made my own
We moved everyone to a new location! What should we get next?
My PPS Snark’s Maw grab from the other day! 🥰
XL Flint: Sex toy or Emotional Support Toy?
My Darque Path Grinding Toy came in and it’s so beautiful 😭
BUMP AND PRICE DROP!! – WTS / Medium Snark - Medium Blaze - Mini Titania >> Shipping within Canada for great deals! International and US shipping available! (Open to specific trades)
Managed to take my M/M Ika really deep. Wanted to share my accomplishment!!!
YOU GUYS! The holiday weekend has BEGUN! What toys are you stuffing in your holes or the holes of willing participants over the next three days??? This is how Friday night began for me and Saturday is sure to be just as fun!
I finally got a John 💛💜
Our collection so far 😁 (minus three on the way)
Who doesn’t love a cummy nova all the way to the base? ;)
Just got these cuties from TTC!! Got a for science Mantis that looks cute af
My medium vector fits perfect in my fuck machine
Starting my collection…
I'm (M) starting round 4 with my (L)BD Chance tonight, took pic with him as deep as I can get him. Best orgasms I have had lately have been with him.
mini/med and she’s all mine 🤤💜
God I love mr hankeys
[US] WTS part of collection.
Using this everyday lately. I'm obsessed with the knot ..
After stretching in the shower. My L/M Demondick is my go to starter he will open you up and is just long enough to let you know there is a second door to conquer.