Porn Pics
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gallery WHERE topic_category="WildFemale"
I've learned it's best never to wake a Wild Female, no matter how horny I am. Hopefully this well-endowed beauty will finish her siesta soon, otherwise I'll have to look elsewhere if I'm to make today's quota.
For females living on trees it is crucial to watch over their surrounding area to detect potential threats ahead of time to be able to plan an escape
Stumbled upon this wildborn in the woods as she emerged from the trees. She's cautious, but if I'm careful not to spook her, I may very well be the first man to mate with her.
Stumbled upon this wildborn in the woods as she emerged from the trees. She's cautious, but if I'm careful not to spook her, I may very well be the first man to mate with her.
Like most wild females inhabiting the coastline and beaches of the preserve, this female's diet consists mainly of seaweed
This silly wild female was captured trying to hide. Unfortunately for the female however, the 'bush' she chose to hide behind didn't fully conceal the young wild female
Quick PSA: There's no such thing as an indoor domestic. Wild Females' instincts compel them to experience nature. Remember to allow your domestic ample time outdoors, or she'll soon go stir crazy and begin to act out.
Recently wilded females must be evaluated and checked on regularly to ensure they're adapting well. My job of course is to see if they're receptive to mating. This newcomer was more than happy to receive some male attention, and will likely stick to th
With most parts of the the preserve lacking the threat of predation or hunting, most females don't really care to hide as this female napping just beside a stream kindly demonstrates
This silly wild female was captured trying to hide. Unfortunately for the female however, the 'bush' she chose to hide behind didn't fully conceal the young wild female
Wild Females usually love flowers. If you live around the park and are hoping to attract some, either for observation or mating, you should definitely plant a flower garden. Just don't be surprised if they pick a few for themselves.
Like most wild females inhabiting the coastline and beaches of the preserve, this female's diet consists mainly of seaweed
An update on my last post. The newly wild female has been fully accepted by her new Pride, and is already a favorite mating partner of the alpha female. While it's the bottom of the totem poll for now, it's a mighty fine start for her.
This beach female fell asleep on the beach during low tide. Awoken by the returning waters wetting her sensitive underside, the female must now hurry to shore if she doesn't want to find herself trapped on this sand bank by the tide.
Wild Females usually love flowers. If you live around the park and are hoping to attract some, either for observation or mating, you should definitely plant a flower garden. Just don't be surprised if they pick a few for themselves.
While one might think that such a happy couple of wild females would have no interest in mating with a man, such powerful pairbonds stimulates their instinct to breed. Many of my own wild daughters were born and reared by couples like these two.
Mating with wild females provides an opportunity for up close observation and photographs, like the one I took of this beauty here. I may be a depraved womanizer, but I am still a scientist.
Stumbled upon this wildborn in the woods as she emerged from the trees. She's cautious, but if I'm careful not to spook her, I may very well be the first man to mate with her.
While one might think that such a happy couple of wild females would have no interest in mating with a man, such powerful pairbonds stimulates their instinct to breed. Many of my own wild daughters were born and reared by couples like these two.
This stunning lady right here is our wrangler, for dealing with aggressive or territorial wild females. It's less traumatic for them and better optics for us to have a woman do it. Very good optics, I must say.
Just finished training these two new Junior Researchers in how to properly mate with wild females. They were exceptional students, I must say. While I hate to see them go, I love to watch them leave.
We fostered this domestic a while back, but unfortunately weren't able to keep her as she and Peppa fought constantly for dominance. Luckily, her forever home isn't far away, and she's always happy to see me when I pop in for a visit.
We fostered this domestic a while back, but unfortunately weren't able to keep her as she and Peppa fought constantly for dominance. Luckily, her forever home isn't far away, and she's always happy to see me when I pop in for a visit.
Female researchers are often concerned I'll be a liability out in the field, but once they see how skilled I am at mating with their wild sisters, they accept me as just a fellow researcher and we enjoy each other's company immensely.
Based on how she was waiting expectantly for me, I can only assume I've mated with this wild female before, though I can't seem to recall her. That's a little embarrassing, considering how much I adore wild females, but thankfully she'll never know a
My wife affectionately refers to the colleagues I regularly mate with as my mistresses, and this remarkable young woman here is the latest to earn herself that moniker. The wild females find her as irresistible as I do, so it's a win win for everyone.
While rare, it isn't unheard of for multiple prides to congregate from time to time. They've spotted me, but don't seem too bothered, so I may have a chance at setting a new daily mating record.
Found these two beauties a bit further down the river. Sadly, my mating display failed to win them over, and I had to settle for observing them mating with one another. Still a very productive day.
My wife affectionately refers to the colleagues I regularly mate with as my mistresses, and this remarkable young woman here is the latest to earn herself that moniker. The wild females find her as irresistible as I do, so it's a win win for everyone.
Mating with wild females provides an opportunity for up close observation and photographs, like the one I took of this beauty here. I may be a depraved womanizer, but I am still a scientist.
Just finished training these two new Junior Researchers in how to properly mate with wild females. They were exceptional students, I must say. While I hate to see them go, I love to watch them leave.
Though most wild females wake with the first rays of sunlight, there are some that only become active several hours after the break of dawn.
Found these two beauties a bit further down the river. Sadly, my mating display failed to win them over, and I had to settle for observing them mating with one another. Still a very productive day.
This female nests on the bluffs overlooking a lake. Every morning, she sits at the edge, sunning herself and carefully inspecting the lake. We don’t know exactly what she is looking for, but she always manages to head to the area of the lake where the
My wife affectionately refers to the colleagues I regularly mate with as my mistresses, and this remarkable young woman here is the latest to earn herself that moniker. The wild females find her as irresistible as I do, so it's a win win for everyone.
For females living on trees it is crucial to watch over their surrounding area to detect potential threats ahead of time to be able to plan an escape
I mated with this couple last breeding season, but it seems neither became pregnant. Now that they're out of heat, they clearly have no desire to try again, and if anything, seem annoyed with me for having wasted their time.
A feral woman that has joined the preserve just recently being disturbed while searching for food in the river
When challenging a potential rival, the Alpha Female poses, rubbing her crotch in a display of dominance
I'm not suppose to attempt to seduce tourists, as what works with wild females is typically frowned upon in polite society. I tried here anyway, and failed completely. If these girls ever end up going wild, I may get a second chance.
Just finished training these two new Junior Researchers in how to properly mate with wild females. They were exceptional students, I must say. While I hate to see them go, I love to watch them leave.
We fostered this domestic a while back, but unfortunately weren't able to keep her as she and Peppa fought constantly for dominance. Luckily, her forever home isn't far away, and she's always happy to see me when I pop in for a visit.
I've learned it's best never to wake a Wild Female, no matter how horny I am. Hopefully this well-endowed beauty will finish her siesta soon, otherwise I'll have to look elsewhere if I'm to make today's quota.
I'm not suppose to attempt to seduce tourists, as what works with wild females is typically frowned upon in polite society. I tried here anyway, and failed completely. If these girls ever end up going wild, I may get a second chance.
A feral woman that has joined the preserve just recently being disturbed while searching for food in the river
Like most wild females inhabiting the coastline and beaches of the preserve, this female's diet consists mainly of seaweed
Wild Females usually love flowers. If you live around the park and are hoping to attract some, either for observation or mating, you should definitely plant a flower garden. Just don't be surprised if they pick a few for themselves.
Regular mating with Wild Females has benefits besides increasing their population, such as reducing stress and improving their overall temperament. As you can see, this beauty here is quite relaxed and content after our mating session.
With most parts of the the preserve lacking the threat of predation or hunting, most females don't really care to hide as this female napping just beside a stream kindly demonstrates
While most females head south for the winter, a select few remain in the northern forests. Only the hardiest females can survive the freezing cold, but the ones that do have their first choice of food, shelter, and mates when the spring thaw begins.
Each Fall I'm sent deep into the park to breed some of the more reclusive wild females. I found this beauty here squatting in this abandoned building, and judging by her stunned reaction, I wouldn't be surprised if I was the first man she's ever seen.
When a wild female gains weight (usually from too many hand outs), it concentrates in their hips and breasts, resulting in a voluptuous, exaggerated hourglass figure. They're best able to reproduce when they have surplus fat reserves, and are advertisin
Mating with wild females provides an opportunity for up close observation and photographs, like the one I took of this beauty here. I may be a depraved womanizer, but I am still a scientist.
While one might think that such a happy couple of wild females would have no interest in mating with a man, such powerful pairbonds stimulates their instinct to breed. Many of my own wild daughters were born and reared by couples like these two.
This silly wild female was captured trying to hide. Unfortunately for the female however, the 'bush' she chose to hide behind didn't fully conceal the young wild female
Found these two beauties a bit further down the river. Sadly, my mating display failed to win them over, and I had to settle for observing them mating with one another. Still a very productive day.
With most parts of the the preserve lacking the threat of predation or hunting, most females don't really care to hide as this female napping just beside a stream kindly demonstrates
I've learned it's best never to wake a Wild Female, no matter how horny I am. Hopefully this well-endowed beauty will finish her siesta soon, otherwise I'll have to look elsewhere if I'm to make today's quota.
A feral woman that has joined the preserve just recently being disturbed while searching for food in the river
For females living on trees it is crucial to watch over their surrounding area to detect potential threats ahead of time to be able to plan an escape
Though most Wild Females stick to foraging, fishing, or scavenging, here we see one in active pursuit of prey. Her necklace indicates she's likely a semi-feral, so it's possible she acquired and retained her hunting skills from her civilized life. Trul
Due to their lack of verbal abilities, touch is very important to wild females. Here we see a newly wild specimen allowing the dominant female to perform a gentle manual inspection. She starts with the hands, and, well... you can probably guess where it
I'm sometimes asked if I joined the Department of Wild Female Sexuality and Procreation because I was a pervert, or if it was the job that turned me into a pervert. My answer? Yes.
When sexually frustrated, wild females will hump damn near anything, as this beauty here demonstrates with an abandoned beach toy. Regularly mating with such females relieves this frustration and helps them focus on their continuing survival.
I'm not suppose to attempt to seduce tourists, as what works with wild females is typically frowned upon in polite society. I tried here anyway, and failed completely. If these girls ever end up going wild, I may get a second chance.